Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sunday in Hanoi

Begin in the park down the block from the hotel. Take photos of the brides who are having their photos taken (it's wedding season in Hanoi). Cross the avenue with the help of a kind lady from Hanoi who takes pity on American tourist lady. Head to the lake and walk along path filled with families and students. Be interviewed by university students who ask only 3 or 4 questions, give you a packet of cookies and say thank you. Chat with a cute eight year old girl and her brother, who thinks New York is the capitol of America. Wander through the old city where anything and everything is for sale.

Take photos of women carrying produce of all species, one of whom will eventually accost you, in a semi-okay way (more on that). Venture through the city, walking not on sidewalks, which apparently are for the parking of motor bikes and not for pedestrians, and head to the Dong Xuan Market.
Where the buyers from Old Navy must do their shopping. Check out the counterfeit items that could end up for sale on the sidewalks of NYC.

After two hours take a break at aha cafe, where one of you will boldly order ice tea with cubes. Whether this was a wise move will or will not be revealed.

Be approached from behind by produce lady who slips her traditional straw hat on your head as well as her traditional yolk across your shoulders (this, madam tourist, is a scam) and before you know it she's standing next to you for a photo op and then insists your mister wear the outfit too and she doesn't want dollars but dongs. Now you'll worry the rest of the trip about whether you're going to get lice.

Document developing nation eletrical grid. Get out google maps on phone to find way back to hotel. Where the air conditioning is delicious and you break for a siesta.

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